Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Decemeberists - The Hazards of Love - Music Worth Buying 10/12/09


Artist: The Decemberists
Album: The Hazards of Love
Worth Buying: It should be a classic.

You will be interested in this album if you are a fan of: Classic concepts albums like Dark Side of the Moon, and Thick as a Brick.

Tell me more: This is my first album by The Decemberists. I have not listened to any of their previous albums. I bring this up, because I understand that some of their longs time fans are bit put off by this album. Apparently because the band moved beyond from what many describe as a kind've Celtic Folk rock sound in order to record this epic concept album of star crossed love.

Some artists stay within their genre album after album and do a great job of it. Some feel the need to musically morph. When an artist with an established fanbase, and an established sound does this, it can turn off some fans and delight others. But I have no preconceived notions about what a Decemberists album should sound like, so I listened to their latest "The Hazards of Love" with no preconceived notions.

I think that it was somewhere in the middle of  my 2nd listen through, that I
realized that this album can stand head and shoulders with classic rock concept albums like Dark Side of The Moon and Thick as a Brick........Yes, it's that good.

The albums story tells the tale of a mortal woman (Margaret), who falls in love with William, a magical shape shifter from an enchanted forest. But their love is threatened by William's jealous mother, the Queen of the forest. described this as an album that demands repeated listening, with more to be gained from each said listening. And I couldn't agree more. If HOL had been released back in the heyday of FM rock radio, I think it would have gotten a lot of airplay and that by now it would be considered a classic. But it wasn't. It was released now. In an era where there is no airplay for this kind of an album. There is only the word of mouth. So that is what I will give this album. If you enjoy epic rock albums GET THIS ALBUM! ...........And don't illegally download it!!!! BUY IT and support these fine musicians so they can afford to live and make more music.

The Decemberists are now officially on my radar and I am now very interested too hear their previous releases. Are there any Decemberists fans that want to give me their recommendations?

TJR 10/12/09

What About the Packaging? Standard Jewel case format but with a nice lyrics booklet .

Mp3 version currently for 8.99

CD Format currently 10.99

On Vinyl

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