Tuesday, July 28, 2009

TJR reviews "Please Clap Your Hands" [EP] By the Bird and the Bee - Music Worth Buying 07/28/09

51IztocQX8L._SL500_AA280_Artist: The Bird & The Bee

EP: Please clap your hands

Worth Buying: Yes, even if they did repeat a song.

You will be interested in this if you are fan of: All the previously releases by the Bird and the Bee, The Carpenters, Alt Pop, retro 60's pop, Jazz pop,  and pop that is sugary sweet fun.

Tell Me More: I have liked every release from this duo starting with their first self titled album.  I guess this EP  is here to tide us over till the next album.

This EP offers more of the same from this group, and that is NOT a bad thing at all, because with each release the Bird and the Bee deliver delicious decadent candy for my ears.

This EP starts with "Polite Dance song" from their last album Rayguns are not the Future and then launches into 3 new songs and a remake of the Bee Gees song "How Deep Is You Love".

So if you haven't experienced this duo before, this might be a good way to wet your appetite. If you already have the other albums don't mind the fact that they repeated a song, because this EP is worth it for the other 4 songs (and it's priced accordingly).

.....Oh and nice job with that Bee Gees song. I never disliked the original, but I wasn't exactly a fan of it either.....But I am digging this remake.

Every time I listen to a new album by this group it's like getting eat an awesome desert. This EP is like getting seconds on that desert....and you won't put on any weight.

What about the packaging? You will have to tell me. This was the Amazon deal of the day when it came out. So I got this as an mp3 album.

Listen to samples and Buy in mp3 format for $3.98

Listen to samples and Buy on CD for 4.98


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