Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fooling Bono





It's been a while since I had a music related dream that featured a famous co-star

I had this dream on monday night on 05/11/09. 


I dreamed I was at a party. U2 was there and so was Comedian Robin Williams.

Robin Williams walks up to me and asks me how good my Irish accent is. I tell him I am terrible at it. He says that that is better than him, and he tells me that he wants me to take part in a harmless prank.

He wants me to dress up as Bono (he has an outfit, a hat and some glasses). He tells me that Bono is outside, and he will be walking up to the house and that it will be very dark out (which is why I guess he feels the disguise will work). The joke is that I will go to Bono and tell him that I am Bono from the future. I am going to warn him of the music industries imminent collapse and advise him that the only way to keep his band on the charts is to switch to heavy metal music.

I think it's a good gag too, So I go along with it. Once disguised I go out and confront Bono. Bono smiles in amusement and thinks the gag is pretty funny too.

Suddenly, I am holding a press conference as the fake Bono. I am telling the press about U2's plans to switch to Heavy Metal. The press is totally buying into it.

Bono is there too and he is astounded that none of the press see through my disguise. At one point he asks them "Haven't you noticed how fake is accent is"?

The press is clueless to what he is implying and completely ignores him.