One thing about releasing my American Idol music video, is that it has really given me a glimpse into how the rest of America is thinking.
While reading through the comments, I noticed an argument between two youtube users.
One of them argued that no American Idol contestant could play guitar as well as I (thank you, that was nice of you).
The other argued that just being able to play an instrument doesn't make you an artist (someone should tell that to Joshua Bell) and that you HAVE to be a great vocalist to be a great artist.
I certainly don't agree with this last statement. I can name tons of musical icons whose voices (while distinctive) would not be considered great voices by the AI judges. But what they had in common was the ability to create great songs that speak to you.
And that's when I realized that it's not the singer that is king.
It's not the guitarist that is king either.
It's not the drummer, the bass player......and it's definitely not the producer either.
It's the song.
It's the song that's king.
Somehow we as a culture forgot this.