Thursday, January 8, 2009

Itunes store says goodbye to DRM and hello to variable pricing

You can read the article about this in the NY Times here 

The Major Labels have wanted variable pricing for years now.

They want to charge more for their "hot" artists.

It looks like they are going to get this now.....BUT prices are going to drop (lower than what Amazon is currently listing in their store) on their not so hot aritsts.

My take: This could backfire on the labels, but will be good for the rest of us.

Their "hot" artist are mostly all youth oriented. Youth have less money and are more prone to illegally download. Raising the price on their music could encourage them to illeagally download it, or not buy it at all.

I on the other hand will be able to purchase the music I want for less (Since I am not interested in Brittany LOL).

I hope that my albums will also go down to the new 69 cents a song mentioned in this article. I will sell more songs if it does.

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