Monday, November 24, 2008

Chinese Democracy is out (Yes that is the sound of hell freezing over)

After 17 years, Chinese Democracy by Guns n Roses hit the shelves at Best Buy.
For my money this is not a Guns n Roses album. Gun n Roses broke up years ago. This is an album that Axle Rose made with a lot of side players and for commercial reasons (very smart reasons) he is calling it Guns n Roses. As you know, from my previous post, I am not a big fan of Axle Rose. I said I wouldn't be buying this CD. And I haven't. But the album was available for streaming on Myspace. So I listened to it a few times.
Can I be objective and just listen to the music in spite of what a crybaby I think Axle is?
First of all I didn't listen to the album as much as I normally do before I do a write up for this site. I also never listened to it with the lyrics since those where not available to me.
I probably listened to the whole thing about twice, which is how much I think most music critics who have to write tons of reviews on a weekly basis listen the music that they are assigned. Just enough times, so that they can describe what this music sounds like without venturing to far as weather of not they really liked it.
I can say after 2 listens that the music on Chinese Democracy is good. And that I might get to like it even more with repeat listens (My normal rule is at least 3 listens and at least one listen while following along with the lyrics....provided they are included).
The only thing that weighs this album down is Axle's need to make every song on this album sound like it will become an epic signature song for them. Picture if you will if Led Zeppelin tried REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, HARD to make an album where each song is Stairway to Heaven and you will get the idea. There seems to be no room for just a fun Rock'n'Roll song on this one. I also feel pretty confident that what is left of Axle's once legendary voice is now being filtered though auto tune for these recordings, but once again it doesn't that the music isn't good.
Because it is good. And it might even be great. But I am not going to take the time to find out. Ove the years Axle has been unprofessional in how he has treated his audience and his former band mates, so I have no qualms about being unproffesional in how I write about his CD. 
I know how sensitive about even the most remotely negative citicicism Axle can be (This guy has actually cancelled shows because he didn't like what that city's newspaper said about him).
So congratulations Axle. You made some good music. I still think you're overrated and spoiled little child,. And I am still not buying this CD just on a matter of principal......I am sure your crying all the way to the bank......I can hear your empire crumbling now.

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