Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Music Worth Buying 09/29/08 Asia

Artist: ASIA
Album: Phoenix
Worth Buying: Yes, this album is definitely worthy buying
You Might Be Interested In This Album If You Are A Fan Of: ASIA's 1982 self-titled debut, Yes, & Boston
Tell Me More: Released on April 15, 2008, "Phoenix" features a number of wonderful songs that will appeal to fans of ASIA's classic material from the 1980s. The soaring "Never Again," tender "Heroine" and confessional "An Extraordinary Life" most closely mirror the gems crafted by keyboardist Geoff Downes, drummer Carl Palmer, guitarist Steve Howe and singer-bassist John Wetton on 1982's "ASIA" and 1983 follow-up sophomore effort "Alpha." 
Other memorable cuts on "Phoenix" include the infectious pop of "Alibis" and the emotive ballad "I Will Remember You." "Wish I'd Known All Along" rekindles the epic neo-classical songcraft of early ASIA material such as "Open Your Eyes."
What If I Am Not Ready To Buy The Whole Album: Try An Extraordinary Life which lyrically chronicles lead singer John Wetton's successful battle with heart disease.
listen to samples and buy in mp3 format here  

listen to samples and buy in CD format here

This review was submitted by noted Music Writer Robert Kinsler

Monday, September 22, 2008

Music Worth Buying 09/22/08 Young At Heart

I am going to break format this week and  instead of reviewing a CD, I want to recommend that you see a great music documentary entitled "Young At Heart".

This is a very life affirming movie about the "Young At Heart" Chorus.  A group of senior citizens who perform contemporary and classic rock, pop, punk, funk and disco songs.  This film chronicles them as they rehearse new songs for their latest tour.

As this group of seniors (backed by an outstanding band) rehearse and preform  covers by Jimi Hendrix, The Ramones, and The Bee Gees, the camera takes us into their personal lives, many plagued by health issues that are not uncommon for most seniors. And through it all, it's their desire to keep making it to the next rehearsal and to the next performance that keeps them going.

If you need proof that music can keep you young, look no further than this movie. It is all at once hystericly funny, and sadly bittersweet. Young at heart breaks down barriers between young and old and proves that we can all be (at the very least) "Young at Heart".

Young @ Heart on DVD

View trailers and read more on IMDB

Speed Racer as an analogy of the Independent music artist

Speed Racer (the movie) just came out on DVD. I wasn’t a fan of the Speed Racer cartoon as a kid (Gigantor was more my thing). But a friend of mine wanted me see it , so I did.

First of all, I was surprised at how much fun the movie was, I surprised by it's heart, but most of all, I was surprised how much the films story worked as an analogy for the struggles independent musicians/recording artists (of whom I count myself one) and the indie music scene.

When the film starts Speed is an independent racer. He is sponsored by no one but his Father's own equally independent Racer Motors.

When Speed wins the films opening race and makes the papers, his pit crew of 1 wonders why Racer Motors wasn't mentioned in the story.

Pops racer grimly states "The sponsors control the media". This sets the tone for the rest of the movie. Speed Racer struggles between the idea of signing with a major sponsor or staying independent.

Once upon a time, if you where a musician/songwriter, the only way you where going to release an album was if you signed to a Major label. Oh sure you could release an album on your own, but it would cost you a LOT, and no one would know about it after you where done. The labels controlled distribution. They controlled what made the shelves (they still do for the most part) they controlled what got on the radio through payola (and for the most part they still do).

The 2 big differences between now and then is that digital technology has made the recording process affordable and digital distribution is open to everyone and the labels have no control (but they keep trying to control it god bless em' LOL).

Speed quickly learns that signing to a major sponsor can put a lot of money in his pocket,but that they (the sponsor)can decide what he can and cannot do. They can even tell him he has to lose the race.

And like the Major labels, if speed doesn't sign with them, if he dares to race against them as an independent racer, they will bury him. They will make sure he never leaves the starting gate.

Even with the Internet the Major Labels try their best to control any avenue of promotion they can.

IE: It's not enough to beat the competition. They don't want the world to know that it even ever existed in the first place

Speed is told by the sponsors that his ideas of racing are all wrong. That racing is not about anything grander then the commerce it provides. Later his mother confirms that watching him race is like watching art.

numerous are the stories of recording artists with a real vision of their own finding themselves at odds with a label, who doesn't see their vision as "commercially appealing". Many times an artists signs to a label ecstatic at first, only to be frustrated later when desicions about their music, is not in their own hands.

In the end, Speed chooses his independence. As a result of his decision he must face impossible odds. He must face a giant promotion machine that wants him to not exist, and a system that works completely against him. Speed faces all these challenges and he triumphs (This a Hollywood movie after all).

In the real world The Indie music artist must face pretty much the same challenges. Our victories may not be as dramatic as a motion picture but they do happen and they are shared. When indie musicians  Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová won the Oscar for their song "Falling Slowly" from the Film "Once" it was a victory for the entire independent music community.

I am sorry to hear that Speed Racer did not do as well as hoped at the Box office. It is a visually stunning film with a surprising amount of heart (Not to mention a lot of fun). Go seek it out on DVD  if you haven't seen it yet, and if you have already, perhaps after reading this, you might see it through different eyes.

Speed Racer on DVD

Speed Racer on Blu Ray

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Music Worth Buying 09/15/08 Peter Frampton

Artist: Peter Frampton
Album: Now
Worth Buying: Yes, the whole album
You will be interested in this album if you are fan of: Classic rock and want to hear something new
Tell Me More: This album came out in 2003. I missed it the first time around. I am sorry I did. I was never really a fan of Peter Frampton. This is not to say that I didn't like his music. I was familiar with his hits. But I never owned a copy of  Frampton Comes Alive. I was certainly aware of what an exceptional (and sometimes overlooked) guitarist he is, from his own work, and his recorded work with other major artists. So when this album was released in 2003 it was not at the top of my list......And what a mistake I made.  I am very glad to say that if you are a fan of Classic Rock, this album is definately worth putting on your to do list. It won't matter if you are a fan of Mr. Frampton's previous work or not. What we have here are songs that by the 3rd listen became increasingly more and more enjoyable to hear. These are well crafted songs played by vituosos who neither overplay nor underplay. I think that both old and young fans of Classic Rock will really enjoy hearing some music that is new, but sounds classic.....And don't let the cover fool you. The album Rocks! 
What about the packaging? The album comes in a standard jewel case with a 12 page booklet, but sadly no lyrics are included. 

Listen to samples and buy in CD format here at CD universe here

Unfortunately I could not find this album in mp3 format on iTunes or Amazon. So I cannot recommend a single for you. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What to say when someone requests "Freebird".

The other day another musician told me the following joke:

Q: How do you respond when someone in the audience requests "Freebird"?

A: Extend your middle finger to them and say "There you go, free of charge".   :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Look Ma! I'm on the radio!

The  radio play keeps coming in.

This time I found out that 100.1 FM KRUU (The voice of Fairfield) played my cover of "Hey Ya" (From my CD Another Roll Of The Dice) during the Eden's Hour show hosted by Erin Skipper.

Check out the show here


Thanks Erin!   :)

Music Worth Buying 09/08/08 The Bird And The Bee

Artist: The Bird and the Bee
Album: The Bird and the Bee
Worth buying: Yes, the whole album.
You will be interested in this album if you are a fan of: The Carpenters, Electronic pop, ambient pop. quirky pop, & indie pop.
Tell me more: Imagine if the Carpenters where more ambient sounding, and weren't opposed to using the "F" word  from time to time.  This is an album with lush and beautiful musical landscapes which came off at first listen as being electronic. But on closer listening I found that the instrumentation was actually more acoustic than I realized. But most importanly are the beautiful silk like female vocals that give this band it's unique sound (thus the Carpenters comparison) . There is a fun and quirky subversive quality to this album that extends beyond just the occasional use of the aforementioned "F" word.  This is one of the most enjoyable pop albums I have heard in some time.
click here to listen to samples and buy in the mp3 format
click here to buy in CD format

What if I am not ready to buy the whole album?   Try the song: F-cking Boyfriend

Sunday, September 7, 2008

How To Request A Song From The Band

This has been circulating around the internet for some time now.

It's one of the funniest things I have ever read. And it really hits the nail on the head.


When requesting a song from the band, just say "play ... my song!" We have chips implanted in our heads with an unlimited database of the favorite tunes of every patron who ever walked into a bar and all songs ever recorded so feel free to be vague, we love the challenge.

If we say we really don't remember that tune you want, we're only kidding. Bands do know every song ever recorded, so keep humming. Hum harder if need be... it helps jog the memory, or just repeat your request over and over again.

If a band tells you they do not know a song you want to hear, they either forgot they know the tune or they are just putting you on. Try singing a few words for the band. Any words will do. It also helps to scream your request from across the room several times per set followed by the phrases, "AW COME ON!" and, "YOU SUCK!"

Exaggerated hand gestures expressing disapproval from the dance floor are a big help as well, such as the thumbs down or your middle finger up put-downs are the best way to jog a band's memory. This instantly promotes you to the status of "Personal Friend Of The Band." You can bet your request will be the next song we play.

Entertainers are notorious fakers and jokesters and never really prepare for their shows.They simply walk on stage with no prior thought to what they will do once they arrive. We don't actually make set lists or rehearse songs. We mostly just wait for you to yell something out, then fake it.

An entertainer's job is so easy, even a monkey could do it, so don't let them off the hook easily. Your request is all that matters. Once you've figured out what genre of music the band plays, please make your requests from a totally different genre. The more exaggerated the better. If its a blues band playing, yell for some Metallica or Slayer or Pantera. Likewise, if its a death-speed metal band, be sure to request Brown-Eyed Girl or some Grateful Dead. Musicians need to constantly broaden their musical horizons, and its your job to see that it happens....immediately.


The best time to discuss anything with the band in any meaningful way is at the middle of a song when all band members are singing at the same time. Our hearing is so advanced that we can pick out your tiny voice from the megawatt wall of sound blasting all around us. And we can converse with you in sign language while singing the song, so don't worry that we're in the middle of the chorus.

Musicians are expert lip readers too. If a musician does not reply to your question or comment during a tune, it's because they didn't get a good look at your mouth in order to read your lips. Simply continue to scream your request and be sure to over emphasize the words with your lips . This helps immensely. Don't be fooled. Singers have the innate ability to answer questions and sing at the same time. If the singer doesn't answer your questions immediately, regardless of how stupid the question may seem, it's because they are purposely ignoring you. If this happens, immediately cop an attitude. We love this.


When an entertainer leans over to hear you better, grab his or her head in both hands and yell directly into their ear, while holding their head securely so they cannot pull away.This will be taken as an invitation to a friendly and playful game of tug of war between their head and your hands. Don't give up! Hang on until the singer or guitar player submits. Drummers are often safe from this fun game since they usually sit in the back, protected by the guitar players. Keyboard players are protected by their instrument, and only play the game when tricked into coming from behind their keyboards. Though difficult to ge t them to play, it's not impossible, so keep trying. They're especially vulnerable during the break between songs.


If you inform the band that you are a singer, the band will appreciate your help with the next few tunes, or however long you can remain standing on stage. If you're too drunk to stand unassisted, simply lean on one of the band members or the most expensive piece of equipment you see. Just pretend you're in a Karaoke bar. Simply feel free to walk up on stage and join in.By the way, the drunker you are, the better you sound, and the louder you should sing. If by chance you fall off the stage, be sure to crawl back up and attempt to sing harmony. Keep in mind that nothing assists the band more than outrageous dancing, fifth and sixth part harmonies, or a tambourine played on one and three and out of tempo. Try the cowbell; they love the challenge.The band always needs the help and will take this as a compliment.

Finally, the microphone and PA system are merely props, they don't really amplify your voice, so when you grab the mic out of the singers hand be sure to scream into it at the top of your lungs, otherwise no one will hear what a great singer you are. Hearing is over-rated anyhow. The crowd and the sound guy will love you for it.


As a last resort, wait until the band takes a break and then get on stage and start playing their instruments. They love this. Even if you are ejected from the club, you can rest assured in the fact you have successfully completed your audition. The band will call you the following day to offer you a position.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Music Worth Buying 09/01/08 Nils Lofgren

The Loner - Nils Sings Neil

Artist: Nils Lofgren
Album:  The Loner - Nils Sings Neil
Worth Buying: Yes, this album is definitely worthy buying
You might be interested in this album if you are a fan of: Neil Young and Bruce Springsteen
Tell Me More: "The Loner - Nils Sings Neil" is as beautiful an album that lovers
of acoustic folk will hear. Nils Lofgren, whose big break came in 1970 when Neil
Young recruited him to participate in the making of the "After The Gold Rush"
album, knows these songs well. And the love of Neil Young's sonic style is clear
as Nils offers up sparse and compelling versions accompanied only by an acoustic
guitar or baby grand piano. The highlights are the majestic Birds, romantic power
of Like A Hurricane and confessional I Am A Child. This is clearly one of the best
albums of Nils' career and one of the best releases of 2008.

Music Worth buying week of 09/01/08 Michael Ubaldini

Artist:Michael Ubaldini
Single: Talkin'  High Gas Price Blues
Worth Buying: Yes
You will be interested in this song if you are a fan of: Blues, Folk, Country , Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Protest music, Satirical music
Tell Me More:You know, I've always said that it's great if you want to write a song with with a "message", or a "protest song", or a song about something "topical" (God knows I've done it). But often I find that artists who write these kinds of songs forget that no matter what your message, you still have to write a good song, and you still have to entertain the audience: Well,  Roots Rocker Micheal Ubaldini didn't forget this and he has hit the proverbial nail on the head with his latest single "Talkin'  High Gas Price Blues". There is no one driving a car in the US right now who won't be able to relate to his latest single release. This song definitely vents, but it's also fun. It's humor and anger are in all the right places. Once you hear this song, you will want to tell your friends about it (that's what I'm doing right now).  Give some love to a hard working indie artist by spending only 99 cents.
listen and purchase in the mp3 format here

Music Worth Buying Week of 09/01/08 "Without the Blonde"

Artist: Without the Blonde
Single: Love You I do
Worth Buying: Yes
You might be interested in this single if you are a fan of: Alt Pop, Lo Fi Pop, and music from the Juno Movie sountrack
This cool and quirky love song from OC indie artist "Without The Blonde", could have easily sat on the Juno movie soundtrack. This is just a single but is fun and enjoyble bit of indie pop that comes off like breath of fresh air, so let's hope we see an album from her in the near future. Give some love to a struggling indie artist by spending 99 cents.

Listen to and purchase in the mp3 format here